My Father's 50th
The other night I lay in bed thinking about what to say and I realized just how many people tell you how they came to write their speech. And so…
Today, this day, 50 years ago, a man of stature, a man of grace and a man of power was born.
Now I have no idea who this man is but my dad just happened to be born on that exact same day.
With no daughters my dad has been stuck with just his two men, which will always be his little – and not-so-little – boys.
There is no doubt in my mind however that we could possibly have a better father, and friend. A man who bases his wealth on what he has to share. A man whose fortune I‘m sure he has withered away on his children (and is expecting to be paid back). A father who amazingly (partially) understands his two different children. A friend, who can be relied on no matter what and surprisingly, to the respect of my friends, introduces me to old and new music!
I enjoy, perhaps sicken-ly and a bit too much, outsmarting my dad. And I‘m sure he would enjoy outwitting me, if that ever were to happen…
I remember him finding it irritating that I would cut him off or stop his sentences, but thankfully for everyone involved, since he witnessed me learn HTML he understands that I do, in fact, know what he means the first time as well as often before he has said it and that I don‘t always do it just to irritate him.
I‘m sure everyone is silently hoping for me to shut up now so that they can get back to their drinks (alcoholics) but I assure you I am near the end of this speech.
I may not have everything, but I do have my father, my mother and my brother and they are all I could ever want, wish and hope for in this world of mine.
The best people don‘t have the best; they just make the best of what comes their way.
And let me tell you; they are some of the best people I know.
Day in and day out you contribute to my life. It‘s not always the big things, but the small things that give you away.
So now I wish my father, my role model, my hero, my friend a very special happy birthday.
To your 50 years past and the joys to come in your life ahead, forever and always, your son to the end.