Why couldn’t I see
That it was all me
That pushed you away
And f*#ked everything up
Why couldn’t I just shut up
Why couldn’t I hear
The shouting in my ear
All the screams of pain
You telling me to stop
The love balloon going pop
Why couldn’t I feel
The wounds that could not heal
I went all numb
Didn’t want to touch
This is all enough
Why couldn’t I smell
When you were unwell
All the coughing and crying
Not giving a f*ck
I just give up
Why couldn’t I taste
That I could only hate
The bitterness throughout
That tasted like salt
It was my entire fault
I can only blame myself
Not listening to anyone else
Why’d it have to be like this
Not seeing the pain you held inside
When I went to look, you went to hide
Can’t blame you anymore
I made it sore
Just leave me be
I have to work it out
Why’d I have to spread the pain throughout
I envy the poor
I pity the rich
This is hard for me
But this is what I see
Open me up
And see my heart
I once told you
Nothing could keep us apart
I meant what I said
But we drifted away
My heart felt so heavy
My tongue like lead
What can I do
For you to be in my arms once more
If only I could find you
I must explore
We were meant to be together
You know that in your heart
So trust your gut
And we will never again be apart
If life is a gift
Then why is it
So f*%ked up
You and me
Apart once more
Come back to me
You’re making me sore
I’d do anything for you
But yet we went away
Not knowing ourselves
At the end of the day
I will never know what runs through your mind
But that’s fine, I don’t mind the surprise
But what I hope with all my might
That you have once loved me, even in my demise
I can remember that final dance
All the love that surrounded us
Can you take me back to that place
The love, the laughter, the horses that prance